Professional waxing services are a great way to remove unwanted hair growth from any part of your body. Our licensed esthetician will provide safe, professional results in a private setting.
And by the way… we ARE the “home of the Brazilian!”
Lip or chin
Half Leg - lower
Half Leg - upper
Full Leg
Full Leg with Bikini
Mini Brazilian
Back or Chest
Yes. You guessed it! It’s a facial for your lady parts.
Prep and pamper your skin in between waxing. Remove those ingrown hairs and bothersome bumps. This is best performed 2 weeks after your wax treatment.
Laser Hair Removal
If you are looking for a more long-term solution, schedule a FREE consultation to learn more about the most modern and advanced method of removing unwanted hair. We use a laser to target hair and destroy it at the follicle for long-term results and in many cases permanent.
Prices available upon request following a FREE consultation